This semester’s lesson is that organizing your data and thoughts can achieve effectiveness through better idea layout. The project made me realize that there will be hiccups along the way. Organizing ideas and thoughts can help with performing task in modular fashion with little issues and such.
During the journey, I realized that the project could have been better if we did a lot of things in modular fashion. This is because we had many issues with certain things that were attributed to only a small part. For example, we should have made buttons be a separate file that only need to be called for certain fileds to avoid repetition. I realized that it could make the tests difficult if we simply had multiple different files but it could allow for more coherency and simplicity. It was around the 11th week when I realized that the project was a massive mess. I feel if we planned it better we could have achieved the resolution on finding the answer without having to stumble and fumble around. Maybe we could have done something different that allowed us to utilized the full potential of our creativity and not get short-handed with a dirty mess. Another example, would be that we had multiple accounts collections that did the same thing and practically had the same uses which could have been better by simply making a big collection instead of multiple collections.
I found that during my time working on this project is that planning out the project especially on the backend side of things can help in the long run because it would allow us to simply make simple changes. Another, would be making sure that certain functions like buttons and such should be done in a linear function so it does not feel repetitive to make the 5th button to add something. Maybe a far more linear solution was better and careful planning could have made it even better so we would not be making a mad rush to simply fix it. I could imagine that many turbulances in this project could be a death sentence in jobs where many customers could have difficult specifications. Maybe this is not truly a fix-all solution but I found it hilarious that if planning out was done in a far more serious consideration then we would not be making mad rushes to the finish. Repetitive functions, having multiple of the same collections, and making quick fixes around the deadline is a recipe for a disaster.
I learned that simply making things neat and organize can help with making ideas be robust as it need to be. I realized that planning and having more communications with teammates can go a long way. Maybe in the future I can finally fully realize this asset.