This is the final project ICS314 that was about making an app where it performed simple functions like saving certain objects and having functionalities in them. Our project was named quizzacious which is means “quizzes are delicious” since it plays on wanting something so badly. I personally liked this assignment a lot but it seemed to fall off a lot of times. I liked working with my teammates but get nervous when little progress is done. But in the end it was good that I have that experience to finally understand what truly matters in a project. Finally, I would like to have some form of control to my anxiety when it comes to big projects like these.
In my part, I did many of the ui design for this project such as the landing page and the profile page. In landing page, I changed the background and decided what type of font would look good but still maintaining structure and functionality. It was mostly decided that the look of the page should at least be understandable to look at. In other words, people should have the “AHA!” moment when they look at the page. I noticed that many websites also have simple and silhouette designs. This is also get worse because it feels like they had an artistic person to do the design.
I also did the Profile page components and as well as the design because the overall solution was to make the profile page look at least presentable. I did this by looking at some website for ideas because it was easier to simply “copy” the look of the profile card. It is important to understand the profile card important because while it was possible to make it with containers. It was rather difficult to do the design because I was not a creative person and wanted to avoid it but it worked out in the very end.
I learned a lot about this assignment and realize that will be more projects like these in the future when I get into the industry. But maybe not on the front-end side of things but somewhere in between. Furthermore, people should understand that the industry is somewhere in between when it comes experience. In other words, companies will not take rookies in a go because it cost money to train and such. Even though, it would be nice to get familiar with standards in the industry.